What is the Design Lab?
The Emerging Infrastructure Design Lab was a ten-month programme to help small voluntary, community and social organisations become more digitally resilient. It was funded by the National Lottery Community Fund and delivered by Careful Industries, in 2022.
The purpose of the lab was to hold a space for participants to examine more critical and future focused ways of introducing new technology, and mature intentionally as organisations entwined in local ecosystems or local communities, recognising valuable inter-dependencies with wider structures around them. The project encouraged organisations to slow down the pace of innovation, and look for opportunities to introduce resilience and sustainability into design.
The Design Lab worked with Emerging Infrastructure organisations to develop sustainable practices over one year.
However, it became clear that this journey of change required a far longer time period; challenges for organisations span beyond establishing more robust internal structures — there are also unpredictable external barriers and constraints which impede their ability to sustain infrastructural roles in communities: access to funding, short term project cycles, wider public sector cuts, and increased demand and need from communities affect how resilient or sustainable an organisation can be regardless of the robustness of their internal systems.
“Why slowing down becomes increasingly important, is in addressing the challenges caused by racing to keep up with the pace of technology, losing the time to consider the human impacts of technology and losing the capacity to make connections between increasingly voluminous amounts of disparate bits of information - all impacting our ability to be creative with the application of new technology.”
The programme consisted of:
Workshops in which facilitators and speakers gave talks or held discussions on a range of topics.
Coaching support where participants received practical advice from coaches with different areas of expertise
Group sessions which gave participants the time to reflect on shared challenges
1:1 check-ins with facilitators for more tailored support
Shared Learning
From a facilitator perspective, what has changed has been a shift in linear thinking towards growth and change within organisations. There is now a greater recognition and confidence with growth seen through a lens of complexity and a greater appetite and skill for considering their intentional steps to transformative change through a more systemic lens.
We’ve also learnt that there are many examples of existing organisational wisdom, knowledge, and expertise, by virtue of Emerging Infrastructure organisations close links to communities. Driving active planning, advocacy, and infrastructural support to change outcomes for marginalised groups of beneficiaries, and providing a unique perspective on the needs of the sector.
With this comes a responsibility on the part of other stakeholders to resource and support this approach with more patience, and sensitivity towards complexity – moving, where possible, to thinking about alternative ways to value resilience in organisations working on innovation programmes.
Craig Grady, Design Lab Lead, Careful Industries